
Published Articles

How to Grow Your Home for a Growing Family

July 31, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you are looking for how to fit more humans under one roof, then this will be the post for you. Growing your family is an exciting time; however, it is a stressful one. You might go from having two people in a home to three, four, or more! This can lead you to ask,… Read More »

Adding a Home Addition Up or Out

July 29, 2019

Reading Time: 3 minutes In past blogs, we’ve talked about how you can plan for home additions when you build a custom home. Planning ahead in this manner can save the current costs of building and leave opportunities later in life. However, what if you didn’t plan? If you are looking into adding an addition to your home you… Read More »

Five Qualities of a Great Custom Home Builder

July 26, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes When it comes to building a custom home, you need to be sure that you have the right person. A custom home isn’t a small investment or one that should be taken lightly. This will be the place that you will live for the rest of your life or at least decades to come. Today,… Read More »

How to Keep a Custom Home Clean & Perfect

July 24, 2019

Reading Time: 3 minutes Cleaning is something that you have to do. You just put your soul into the construction of your new custom home. It’s a place where you want to make memories and spend the rest of your life. As such, it’s important to think about how to take care of this important piece of our lives. … Read More »

Ten Energy Saving Design Ideas for Custom Homes

July 22, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes Designing a custom home is the perfect time to integrate some energy-saving design ideas. An energy-efficient home is a great way to save both money and environmental resources in the long run. Unlike a pre-built home, you can start from the ground up without the need for an energy audit of expensive remodeling. Today, we’re… Read More »

Adding Voice Control into a Custom Home

July 19, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes The latest in technology driving home trends is the smart home. These homes are connected to services like Google or Alexa, as well as others, to create a home that’s lights, security, air, and TV can be controlled from in or out of the home. Today, we’re talking about what additions voice control can make… Read More »

House Extension Factors to Think About

July 17, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you’ve been thinking about making additions to your home, chances are your family is growing and you’ve decided moving isn’t something you want to do. However, before you add on, there are some things that you should think about. Today, we’re going to give you some pointers for careful planning and success. Building Regulations… Read More »

How to Choose the Best Neighborhood for Your Custom Build

July 15, 2019

Reading Time: 2 minutes When you look to build a custom home, one of the first questions you have to ask is where it will be? Depending on your needs, it could be a standalone lot. However, if you choose a neighborhood, then you’ll have a lot of work to do. Don’t be afraid to become a detective. This… Read More »

Eight Top Kid-Friendly Ideas for Your Custom Build or Renovation

July 12, 2019

Reading Time: 3 minutes Home renovation and homebuilding are often done with the needs of the client in mind. However, those needs often don’t fully take into account future or present children. Many times this can be due to a lack of ideas and the not so recent experiences we have of being a child. Today, we’ve provided new… Read More »

What is an Allowance?

July 10, 2019

Reading Time: 3 minutes When you’re building your custom home, you might see the term allowance in your contract with the builder. As someone new to the world of construction, chances are you don’t know what this means. Today, we’re going to take a look at allowances and how they affect your final budget when building a new house.… Read More »

Questions to Ask When Remodeling a Kitchen

July 8, 2019

Reading Time: 3 minutes If you’re looking to update your home, one of the first places that you will think about is the kitchen. It’s where many families spend the most time throughout the day and month. As such, it will often bring in the most value to a home when updated. You might be thinking about making your… Read More »

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